i remembered i had a waffle iron therefore i should be using it all the time. it kind of sucks but it'll do for now. i love waffles. they're the perfect i-got-drunk-then-went-to-the-diner-and-ordered waffles kind of food (so are disco fries). me and waffles go way back. when i worked at the slaughtered lamb a customer nicknamed all the female employees after food and mine was waffles. i wish that nicknamed stuck. i also remember an english teacher in junior high school told us she had a pet racoon named waffles. well here is an easy recipe for apple cinnamon waffles.
* 1 1⁄2 c flour * 1 T Sugar * 2 t baking powder * 1⁄2 t Ground cinnamon * 1⁄4 t Salt * 2 Egg yolks * 1 c Milk * 1⁄4 c Cooking oil * 1 c Apple, peeled -- chopped * 2 Egg whites * Maple syrup * butter Or margarine * Fresh fruit -- optional Cooking Bohemian apple waffles 1. In a mixing bowl, combine flour ,sugar, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. 2. In another bowl, beat egg yolks slightly. 3. Beat in milk and cooking oil. Add the egg yolk mixture to the flour mixture all at once. 4. Stiri just until combined, but still slightly limpy. 5. Stir in the chopped apple. 6. =20 in a small bowl, beat egg whites until stiff peaks form ( peaks will stant straight). 7. Gently fold beaten egg whites into batter, leaving a few fluffs of egg white. 8. Do not overmix. 9. Pour some of the batter onto grids of a preheated lightly greased waffle baker. 10. Close lid quickly. 11. Do not open during baking. 12. Bakei according to manufacturer"s directions. 13. When done, use a fork to lift waffle off grid. 14. Repeat with remaining batter. 15. =20 serve with warm maple syrup and butter.
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