i had a watermelon gillian gave me from the farmer's market. at first i didn't know what to do with it, but i knew it needed to involve booze. when i cut the melon in half it was orange in color. at first i thought it needed to mature more, but it actually taste just fine. i took half of the melon and scooped out the meat, then pour vodka on it. that was for a boozy snack. i took the other half of the melon, scooped out the meat, threw in 1 tbsp of sugar, mashed it and then strained it. i added about 2 cups of vodka, a bunch of tbsps of rosewater to taste and it was ready to drank! melinda's description of the cocktail was that it taste fresh and old. fresh because it was made from a fresh watermelon and old cuz it smells like an old lady's perfume.
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